

Through RISGRA® we build and implement Enterprise Risk Knowledge Graphs (ERKG), using semantic technologies that enable enhanced reasoning and pan-organisation inference.


ERKG enable insights to be surfaced that were previously hidden, and drive improved, collaborative, real-time colleague engagement with risk - across the organisation.

RISk (n) exposure to uncertainty, and the associated positive or negative consequences.

GRAph (n) a diagram representing a system of interrelations or connections among two or more things by a number of distinctive dots (nodes) and lines (edges).


Where Knowledge Graph meets Risk.


  • What

    We’re on a mission to capitalise on the power of ERKG and semantic technology to make thinking about and working with risk easy, intuitive & engaging - and accessible in-the-moment to every colleague, in all domains of an organisation.


    Risk by its nature is driven by factors, variables & forces that are both internal and external to the organisation, so we design risk tools that span the complex, interconnected ecosystem of counterparties, contracts, stakeholders, geographies & domains... within which an organisation exists.


  • How

    Using W3C and Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS) standards we connect: data sets, risk / finance framework, and business operating model (BOM) components – linking data assets that in many organisations have evolved through time to become fragmented, disparate and standalone.


    We look beyond established risk management approaches, frameworks and processes, which in practice can be siloed and centralised, and at worst perceived as an overhead.


    We develop visually Beautiful(!) cloud-based (SaaS) risk capabilities & tools that are:

    • intuitive
    • agile
    • fluid
    • distributed
    • adaptive
    • multi-dimensional
    • connected
    • zero-overhead to use


    RISGRA® models & capabilities are designed to integrate seamlessly with behaviours & mind-sets - to give people tools that significantly enhance the quality of in-the-moment risk decision making.


  • Why

    We believe that all colleagues, regardless of role or position are in the front-line when it comes to risk.


    If you’re on the field, you’re an equal stakeholder in the (risk) game, with unique role-specific perspectives and insights that should inform & shape the connected, dynamic risk 'brain' of the organisation.


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